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Elene Rakviashvili

"I was born in July, 1966 in Tbilisi. Since I’ve graduated the state Academy of Arts and Art College, participated in different exhibitions abroad and projects, prepared three solo shows. I am Multidisciplinary visual artist, living and working in Tbilisi, Georgia."

Left on the screen   2015

Video installation.  video   1’5’

"Midway in our life's journey, I went astray 
from the straight road and woke to find myself 
alone in a dark wood. How shall I say 

what wood that was! I never saw so drear, 
so rank, so arduous a wilderness! 
Its very memory gives a shape to fear.” 


Dante Alighieri,  The Divine Comedy

I remember Borjomi Gorge and its enchanting moss-grown coniferous forest as one of the most vivid and sweetest memories of my childhood. Recently, stressed out from inner city living I decided to return to this magical place and record it for my children. However, I was in for a major disappointment. On a mission to find the pristine woods of my memories, I walked through the forest of Gombori (East Georgia) and Borjomi Gorge (South Georgia) and sadly all I could find was the chopped and littered left over’s. I consciously did not want to walk through the territory of the National Park – it was obvious the forest would be preserved there. In order to have recorded the presented video, I had to clean up the territory from litter – plastic bottles, cigarette and other rubbish. It is a shocking realization to think that soon we will only have a recorded documentation of the forest and surrounding nature. ‘Save the forest for children’ phrase comes to be a banal verse devoid of any meaning amidst floods and landslides.


Elene RaQvia



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